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Monday, March 15, 2004

Pay woman drug addicts not to have children says Drugs Expert

Women drug addicts should be paid to take contraception to stop them from having children, according to a drugs expert Professor Neil McKeganey of the Centre for Drug Misuse Research.He suggested that in many instances, female drug users are becoming pregnant not because they want to but because of the sheer chaos of their lifestyle.

His research suggests that more than 50,000 children in Scotland have been exposed to drug addiction at home.

It found a number had even woken up to find their parents had died from an overdose while others had had their Christmas presents sold to pay for drugs.

The Catholic Church is against the idea. They say: "If you are going to sterilise drug-addicted women, why stop there? Why not sterilise alcoholics?

"This is social engineering on a massive scale and it's completely unacceptable."


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